Pengumuman Seminar Internasional

Call For Papers

1# ICON-ISHIC International Conference on Islamic History and Civilization

Keynote Speakers:
1. PROF. DR. H. IMAM TAUFIQ, M.AG, Rector of UIN Walisongo Semarang
2. DR. TIMOTHY WINTER (Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad), Dean of Cambridge Muslim Colege University of Cambridge.
3. PROF. MARTIN VAN BRUINESSEN, Professor of the Comparative Study of Contemporary Muslim Societies, Universiteit Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Opening Speaker
1. DR. H. AKHMAD ARIF JUNAIDI, M.A., Chief of LP2M UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Conference Sub-Themes:
# Contemporary Developments on Islam in the Global Politics
# The Roles of Islamic Tradition in Combating Radicalism and Nurturing Moderatism
# Religious Discourse in the New Era of Industry 4.0: Opprtunity and Challenge
# Science and Technology in the Context of Halal-Toyyib Food, and Environmental Exploitation
# Other Issues Related to Islamic History and Civilization

1st ICON-ISHIC 2020
The conference will be held virtually on:
• Date: Monday, 14th October 2020
• Link: Zoom link will be announced later

Important Dates
# Abstract Submission Deadline 25 September 2020
# Registration Deadline for Participants 25 September 2020
# Notification of Abstract Acceptance 28 October 2020
# Payment Deadline 5 October 2020
# Full Paper and Video Deadline 5 October 2020

Paper Publication in Proceeding SCOPUS Index
ICON-ISHIC 2020 proceedings will be published on Scopus Indexed Proceeding (without additional fee). Selected paper will be published in SINTA 2-5 journals (returning of some registration fee):
1. Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan (Sinta 2 Accredited Dikti)
2. Jurnal THEOLOGIA (Sinta 2 Accredited Dikti)
3. Nadwal: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (Sinta 2 Accredited Dikti)
4. Al-Ahkam: Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum Islam (Sinta 2 Accredited Dikti)
5. Sawwa: Jurnal Studi Gender (Sinta 2 Accredited Dikti)
6. Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam (Sinta 2 Accredited Dikti)
7. Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi (Sinta 2 Accredited Dikti)
8. JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) (Sinta 2 Accredited Dikti)

Other publication opportunities:
1. Other journals in Unversitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Sinta 3-5 Accredited Dikti

The article MUST be written in accordance to ICON-ISHIC 2020 template.
Citation MUST be written using MENDELEY/ZOTERO.

Organized by:
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) UIN Walisongo Semarang.

For submitting your paper and more information, please visit

Contact Person
Nur Ahmad (0813-2994-1522)

Form Pendaftaran Calon Peserta KKN Tahap I

Form Pendaftaran Calon Peserta KKN Tahap I
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1. Pendaftaran hanya dilakukan oleh Koordinator Kelompok (1 Kelompok satu kali daftar)
3. Memastikan bahwa semua calon Peserta KKN telah memenuhi semua persyaratan (Lulus 120 SKS)
3. Sebelum mendaftar sudah dipastikan mempersiapkan file Daftar Nama Anggota, Ukuran Jaket & Proposal KKN
4. Setelah mendaftar tahap 1 ini, Koordinator Kelompok akan dimasukkan dalam Group WA KKN DR sebagai jalur komunikasi (nomer Kordinator dipastikan aktif WAnya)
5. Setelah selesai Pendaftaran Tahap I ini, Koordinator akan diberikan ID Pendaftaran untuk input nama Calon Peserta di Pendaftaran II di
6. Semua informasi terkait KKN akan di-update di website LP2M (hindari berita HOAX)
7. Untuk kelancaran komunikasi KKN bisa menghubungi call center sesuai dengan nomer yang ada di Juklak KKN DR


Pengumuman Nomine Penerima Bantuan Penelitian dan Pengabdian Berbasis Riset BOPTN Tahun 2020

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Nomine Penerima BOPTN Tahun 2020_compressed

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Terima Kasih,

Tim LP2M